The Trinity Series

Get started


The Trinity series is separated into three parts: clearing, healing, and alignment.

  • You’ll first clear any blocks.
  • Secondly, heal and integrate by leaving behind what doesn’t serve you
  • Lastly, become aligned to your most empowered version and vision of yourself. 

The results of this 3-4 month process are guaranteed with your commitment. This process treats the entire energetic body and clears, heals, and aligns all energy centers in the body

Illanith will be holding space for you and your journey throughout the entire process. You will have three intuitive check-in calls to discuss any fears, doubts, or issues you have during your journey.

Come back home to your divine self

Participants express having grand shifts in their lives after this process. 

You’ll get on a call to decide if you’re an energetic match.

After each of your bodywork sessions, you’ll have a download call with Illanith. In this call, she’ll share with you everything that happened during your 3-hour bodywork session. She’ll share messages from your guides and other loved ones who have passed, the health of your chakras, what shamanic journeying she did for you, your past life reading, and more. This will be your chance to work through any confusion you have with her by your side. She’ll explain your ‘moving through exercises’ which will integrate your healing. 

You’ll have a call with Illanith where you can share your deepest intentions and desires for this process. This is your chance to call forth what you want. The channel will be open for her to begin receiving messages for you. 

The next steps require dedication and determination from you. After each bodywork session, you’ll be in charge of completing your ‘moving-through exercises’ to make this a reality in your life. As you do these exercises, you will be initiated as your own healer, taking charge of your own energetic signature. You will also have intuitive check-in calls with Illanith to help you as you enter this initiation. 

 This is a deep process, that will change your life and set you off in the direction you want to head. If you are looking to change the course of your life, exhausted of going around the same toxic circle and ready to shake things up, this is the container for you. 

Illanith will channel plants for you to use in a bath. You’ll get to enter into the deeply magical practice of utilizing the plant world to assist you. First, you’ll prepare your elixir using your plant allies, and then you’ll bathe with them, allowing their energies to assist you. 

You’ll have three bodywork sessions, one for clearing, one for healing, and one for alignment. They’ll be spaced 21-45 days apart. In these sessions, you’ll simply lay in bed and receive remote healing, done on your energetic body. You may feel sensations during this energy cleanse or you may simply sleep through it all. On these days, you’ll do nothing else but enjoy the bodywork and have your download call.

Step 3: Become Clear on Intentions

Step 1: Speak with Illanith

Step 4: Receive Clearing, Healing, and Alignment Bodywork Sessions

Step 5: Receive Channeled Messages and Guidance 

Step 6: Be Initiated as Your Own Healer

Step 2: Infuse Your Aura with Plant Medicine







The Process of the Trinity Series:

This process is deeply balanced in masculine and feminine healing styles. In the feminine aspect, you’ll receive healing during bodywork sessions, have messages channeled for you, and have a path designed for you. All of this receiving leads you up to the masculine portion, where you’ll take charge of your own healing. You’ll follow the roadmap designed by your guides to integrate your clearing, healing, and alignment and bring forth your new life. 

“It’s funny, when I look back to session one and compare what my worries were then and what I was unsure of compared to now…(post-session three)…it’s like I am an absolutely different person but yet the same spirit I always truly was deep down. I guess through the work we have done…I have just become more self-aware and in tune with the stillness within me.” 

 Shelly, Model, 42


3 monthly payments of

Ready to make a shift?

let's do this.


Intuitive Channel  &  Shamanic  Healer
