Channeled Messages, Healing, and Exercises 

made by your Guides for Deep Transformation

Lovingly brought through by Illanith Benjamin

This energetic healing and alignment work is for people who are seeking something that goes deeper than most energy healing and has farther-reaching results. Because this work is so tailored to individuals, it can benefit almost anyone.

  • People who feel they’ve tried everything but haven’t been able to free themselves from troubling cycles
  • Healers who feel that they can help others but not themselves
  • Those who feel they’re living inauthentically, but don’t know how to return to themselves
  • Mothers who feel they’re constantly drowning trying to emotionally support their families
  • Parents who don’t understand their children’s depression, anxiety, anger, or illness
  • People who feel they’re trapped in a cycle of anxiety
  • Those who feel so lost they want this life to end
  • Partners who love their partners but can’t seem to connect as deeply as they’d like
  • Those who want to find love but keep finding themselves in unwanted relationship patterns
  • Highly sensitive and intuitive people who need to set up energetic boundaries
  • Gifted individuals who want to use their psychic faculties to serve

Maybe you identify with some of these, or maybe you have no idea what is wrong, but you know something is.

Here, you can receive the medicine that you need, that has been created just for you.

Some types of people Illanith has helped in the past

Are you ready for change?

Illanith Benjamin
- the bridge between your guidance and you

My mission in life is to bring through your own unique medicine and awaken your most authentic, empowered, and vibrant self.


Illanith is a highly sought-after healer, who operates mostly on a word-of-mouth basis. Her lengthy studies and her inherited energetic and highly intuitive gifts give her a powerful ability to heal and hold space.

Illanith is a certified coach, was a teacher for over 18 years, and has a background in counseling. She’s also studied plant medicine for many years, including time spent alongside an indigenous medicine woman in Mexico. She is a certified reiki master, yoga instructor, Angelologist and Akashic Records reader.

Illanith discovered her gifts, rather than developing them. In fact, she didn’t know she was in a
lineage of healers until she found herself intuitively healing a family member when she was on
Amazonian/Andean lands.

During this time, it was shared with her that both of her grandmothers had been healers/Sramana's, helping people miraculously in India. Her paternal grandmother was a medicine woman and Ayurvedic doctor, while her maternal grandmother was a channel, healer, shaman, and energy worker.

These sacred gifts have been passed through Illanith’s lineage.

next step

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step two

book a call

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step three

Some of the physical and mental diseases and disorders Illanith has helped people resolve and remove are:

Some of the results illanith's clients experience:

Improved self-love
A clearer understanding of their life path
Better relationship with self including Increased intuition
Recognizing and honoring            Strength and limits
Making decisions more aligned
with goals and desires
Increased self-confidence
Improved intimacy with                partners
More ease in family dynamics
Avoiding being placed on            medication
Resolution of PTSD
More motivation and happiness
Better management and protection of energy
Deeper connections with family members

Sexual Trauma
Lack of self esteem and voice
Exhaustion and overwhelm
Anger Issues
Victim Mentality
Suicidal Ideations
On the cusp of being medicated
Eating Disorder
Lack of physical and energetic  boundaries
Sleep Issues
Sexual Dysfunction
Lack of motivation
Shock and feeling frozen

Illanith’s offerings are not a one-size-fits-all approach. The roadmaps and guidance that she brings through are highly specialized and much different from other healing modalities out there.

A message from Illanith…

Does this all seem a bit ‘woo-woo’ to you?

I know for some of you, this process will seem quite ‘out there.’ I get it. When I first started becoming aware of the power of my gifts and lineage, I was surprised. I was brought up to believe that only things that could be proven by science were legitimate.

However, the power of energy work, shamanism, and plant medicine is being remembered across the globe.

Others have felt the same way as you, but have shown up for this journey because they:

  • Were referred to me and wanted the same results that their friends or family had received
  • Know me and trust me
  • Were referred to me and felt a clear yes on our intake call.

I can understand your hesitation, so please don’t hesitate to ask me any questions you have on our call. I will answer as best as I possibly can, with no judgment passed at all. 

And I can tell you with confidence, this works.

Kind Words From Receivers

“I came into this work as a total nonbeliever, but I went with it just to give it a try because I trusted Illanith. I was blown away by my experience of the bodywork. I felt so many emotions that just suddenly came over me, but they came out of nowhere and disappeared almost as quickly as they came. When I talked to Illanith afterward, she broke down some of what she was seeing at the same time. It was incredible, and from that moment on I have had the desire to learn more about spiritual connectedness.”

 mother & part-time teacher, 42

Are you ready to see what awaits you?

The first step is booking a free intake call with me. Together we can find the path for you to find the life you are so deserving of. 



Intuitive Channel  &  Shamanic  Healer
