Soluna Divine Activation


For those who want to experience a different quality of life.

Maintain a sense of equilibrium in your life by re-setting your vibrational frequency 


Once you recognize yourself you can get clear on manifesting the life of your dreams


This is a door to understanding yourself more profoundly.


What you can expect:

Why choose this option?

  • release emotional blocks of all kind e.g. Traumas from childhood, reorganizes DNA, Awakens dormant potential

  • Resolves physical pain in a progressive and loving way

  • Breaks up illness and density and toxic patterning that block us from moving forward

  • Helps to experience a different quality of life

Higer Self Activation Utilizes Illanith's unique Healing Method combined with activation codes and symbols.

The container will be opened by illanith channeling a sacred bath uniquely designed for you. 

She will work on you once a week for three weeks, sending light codes and activation energy your way. Depending on your level of senstivity you will start to feel the shifts right away. You do not need to be awake nor present for these sessions. 

On the third week illanith will jump on a call with you to discuss your next steps according to the messages she recieves. You will be given a unique road map, with 15 exercises you can follow so that you are an active participant in your own healing process. 




How does it work?

Receive bodywork at a distance

Infuse your aura with plant medicine

Take inspired action to move forward 



Ready to make a shift?

let's Begin.


Intuitive Channel  &  Shamanic  Healer
