Energetic Baths &
Plant Medicine

get started

For those who want to experience the power of plant medicine

Other preparations might be a tea ceremony, a compress on a particular area of the body, a yoni steam, a tincture, or  aromatherapy. 

other potent preparations

If used in a bath, you’ll enter into a sacred ritual, lovingly massaging this elixir into your skin to rejuvenate, and strengthen your aura.

Bath ritual with plants

You’ll prepare your own sacred elixir, compress, or tea with these herbs, roots, and flowers, acting as your own healer.

work with the plants

Illanith will go into your field to find the unique plant allies who want to help you on your journey. Each person has their own special blend. 

Meet your plant allies

During this program:



Ready to make a shift?

let's do this.


Intuitive Channel  &  Shamanic  Healer
